Total Medals Earned: 1,657 (From 275 different games.) Total Medal Score: 23,955 Points
Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)
Good job, you beat the game!
Medals Earned: 2/3 (55/105 points)
Start already!
Beat the game
Win the game a certain amount of score.
Medals Earned: 11/12 (200/225 points)
Screw up in level 5
Manage to trap yourself
Do what the title says
Find the troll face
Start a rave party
You'll know it when you see it
Grow a mustache
Somehow die in the menu
Find the secret cape
Find the cure for your disease
Be faster than the elevator
Jump 100 times in the tutorial level
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/55 points)
Unlock sector 2
Get all access token from Sector 1
Unlock sector 4
Unlock sector 3
Get all access tokens from sectors 1 to 3
Medals Earned: 1/4 (5/90 points)
You showed up and completed Training.
You graduated from the Academy.
You have earned a Command.
You are truly worthy. A Commander of Commanders.
Medals Earned: 3/3 (40/40 points)
complete Research Stage 1
complete Research Stage 2
complete Research Stage 3
Medals Earned: 1/35 (5/500 points)
Defeat King Slime
Explore 7 floors
Feed your pet 5 food items
Discover 7 warps
Beat Zombie Defense on Hard
Upgrade equipment 20 times
Defeat Rock
Defeat Bop
Explore 15 floors
Spend 30 points on the Fighter Tech Tree
Spend 30 points on the Healer Tech Tree
Collect 20 types of monsters in the Bestiary
Have one character reach level 10
Have one character reach level 25
Have one character reach level 5
Spend 30 points on the Mage Tech Tree
Defeat one of the three rare monsters in the game
Acquire a total of 50,000 Gold
Defeat Rock Twice
Spend 30 points on the Rogue Tech Tree
Feed your pet 30 food items
Discover 15 warps
Defeat 5 Kings in the Wanted List
Defeat Bop Twice
Complete the Bestiary
Beat Zombie Defense on Expert
Explore 30 floors
Defeat all the Kings in the Wanted List
Have one character reach level 50
Complete the MISSING quest line
Defeat Dargon
Complete the STOLEN quest line
Discover all warps
Defeat Ultimate Dargon
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 14/20 (295/630 points)
Fiddle with the settings
Use all of main Character's attacks
Get a 10 hit Combo
Complete Normal Mode
Use all Vandier's attacks
Get a 20 hit Combo
Force 5 enemies to fall to death
Keep Full Speical for 30 seconds
Complete Hard Mode
Collect 100 orbs
Force 10 enemies to fall to death
Keep Full Speical for 60 seconds
Die to the hands of the Lone Warrior
Complete Culmination without dying
Kill all eneimies
Die to the hands of Vandheer Lorde
Get a 50 hit Combo
Complete Culmination in 8 minutes
Collect all Awards
Get a 60 hit Combo
Medals Earned: 14/100 (70/500 points)
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Start a new game.
Zoom zoom, in your boom boom!
Get everything!
Man this would look nice on your wall!
other stuff...
You ticket to medals!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/265 points)
Unlock the golden background
Unlock an omega upgrade from the shop.
Add another factory!
Add some mystery to your game!